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Rise and Shine Facial Massage Technique

Britt FeatureProducts & Tips

Hey, beauties! We all need a little facial love in our lives, right? Lately, for reasons that I no longer need to mention, we can’t, exactly, get out to see an esthetician or a massage therapist. But there are easy techniques we can use at home to help keep our fancy faces looking and feeling fresh, youthful and bright! I’ll let you in on a little secret, it’s called the Fancy Face Rise and Shine Facial Massage Technique! 

Fancy Face Skin

First of all, let me tell you now that all you need for this facial massage is 3 minutes. So if you were worried you wouldn’t have time to squeeze this into an already hectic day (believe me, I totally understand where you’re coming from), fear not! It’s a simple addition to your daily skincare routine. 3 minutes. That’s all you need.

This facial massage technique has a number of benefits: It helps to revitalize and refresh tired skin, helps reduce puffiness through lymphatic drainage, works to smooth skin tension and helps support product penetration (that just means the product getting into your skin) when you’re applying a product like our Poetry in Potion serum. 


Now let’s get to the good stuff! Here is the step-by-step for our Rise and Shine facial massage, using our brand new product, Poetry in Potion (launching June 3 at 12pm EST).

Before you begin the facial massage, apply 4-8 drops of the Poetry in Potion serum to your cleansed skin. Get ready to really allow your face to soak up this golden beauty while you give yourself some fancy facial love!


✨ Step 1: Smoothing “Number 11” Lines


The “number 11” lines are the between your brows that – you guessed it – look like a number 11. Starting between the brows, stack your index fingers horizontally, leaving a small amount of space. Apply firm pressure and create an “S” like motion. This motion is essentially your two index fingers making the shape and swapping positions, back and forth. Repeat this 5x.


✨ Step 2: Eye Acupressure


Releasing the pressure from between your brows, lightly slide your index fingers over the eyebrows and around the eyes, stopping at your pressure point directly beside the eye socket on the inside of your eye area. Press firmly on the pressure points with your index fingers and then, adding your middle fingers, gently glide your fingers out to the temples. Take your fingers off of your skin and then repeat this 5x, starting from the inner pressure points beside your eye sockets and gliding to your temples.


✨ Step 3: Full Fascia Face Lift


Press your hands together to create an “L” shape. Place the tips of your thumbs under your chin and touching the neck. Then, framing either side of the nose, apply a firm, lifting pressure as you slide towards the outer perimeter of the face. Repeat this 5x.

It’s a simple as that, beauties! Repeat this process daily and share your feedback! We always love to hear from you!

Now go on and put some pep in your skin’s step!




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